In 1952, the archaeologist Alberto Ruz received worldwide attention when he discovered the tomb of the Maya ruler K’inich Janaab’ Pakal of Palenque. This surprisingly elaborate structure was found to contain many unusual works of art. Due to its significance, which revolutionized ideas regarding ancient Mayan funeral customs, Ruz spent several years explaining and documenting it, and much of his academic career has been overshadowed by that great discovery. This did not however prevent him from working on various other projects and areas of research. Such less well-known contributions included his analyses of Mayan art and his reflections upon its history and its iconography. He exalted its universal aesthetic values, and expanded upon its numerous styles, forms, and variety of media. This article showcases Ruz’s writings, his aesthetic appreciation of art in general, and his expertise in the art history of the ancient Maya.
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Periodical sources
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Documentary sources
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