To Paint Painting: Pure Painting, Modernity and Deidealization in the Art of Édouard Manet
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Édouard Manet
pure painting
two-dimensional painting

How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Jordano, Carmen. 2023. “To Paint Painting: Pure Painting, Modernity and Deidealization in the Art of Édouard Manet”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 45 (123):151-78.


This article sets out to show how Manet’s painting combines the characteristics of pure, modern and deidealized painting. Pure painting in the sense that Manet tried to eliminate from painting features that were not properly pictorial. In doing so, he intended to paint painting. His was therefore a self-reflexive, formalist, two-dimensional painting, with real light, and reconciling subject and form. In addition, it is modern because it aimed to be an art of its time. He painted what he saw, his temporal circumstances. He also adopted a deidealizing attitude towards painting and art in general. In this article we show that all these aspects, which can be thought of as contradictory, are not only perfectly compatible, but also consequences of each other.
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