A Tropical Cuauhtemoc: Celebrating the Cosmic Race at the Guanabara Bay
Portada Anales Número 65

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Arte contemporáneo

Cómo citar

Tenorio, Mauricio. 1994. «A Tropical Cuauhtemoc: Celebrating the Cosmic Race at the Guanabara Bay». Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 16 (65):pp. 93-137. https://doi.org/10.22201/iie.18703062e.1994.65.1708.


The paper analyzes José Vasconcelos’ participation before the Mexican delegation in the International Fair in Rio de Janeiro in 1922. In particular, it focuses on the manner in which Vasconcelos’ ideas regarding the cosmic race were transformed into acts and objects. Although Vasconcelos has been viewed as the most clear example of the confrontation of his generation against Positivism, this study analyzes the continuity of Porfirian Positivism in some aspects of Vasconcelos’ ideas.


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