Anotaciones sobre el origen del arte coreográfico y su posible dinámica en México
Portada Anales Número 67
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Música y danza

How to Cite

Dallal, Alberto. 1995. “Anotaciones Sobre El Origen Del Arte coreográfico Y Su Posible dinámica En México”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 17 (67):pp. 5-19.


Even before the professionalization of dancing, choreographic composition always played a fundamental role in all dance phenomena. In prehispanic Mexico, as weil as in many other traditional societies, choreography was in the hanás ofiriests, who established the h¡gh1y symbolic and ritualistíc sense tbat remains to this day in all Indian dances. The Spanish conquest gave these dances a Christian framework.
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