El legado de Luis Barragán y la renovación de la cultura
Portada Anales Número 67
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Arte contemporáneo

How to Cite

Aldrete-Haas, José Antonio. 1995. “El Legado De Luis Barragán Y La renovación De La Cultura”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 17 (67):pp. 69-95. https://doi.org/10.22201/iie.18703062e.1995.67.1747.


This article is a detailed review of the work of Luis Barragán with a special emphasis on its synthetic nature: the vanguard of the beginning of the century, Mexican rural archítecture and even regional solutions like the North African cashbas were íncluded in a proposal that strives, above all, to gíve peace and tranquillíty to domestic and refigious environments. The integration of these elements in a proposal, which is at the same time local and global, constitutes the highest value of Barragan's work.
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