El pintor José Rodríguez Carnero (1649-1725). Nuevas noticias y bosquejo biográfico
Portada Anales Número 70
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Arte colonial

How to Cite

Ruiz Gomar, Rogelio. 1997. “El Pintor José Rodríguez Carnero (1649-1725). Nuevas Noticias Y Bosquejo biográfico”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 19 (70):pp. 45-76. https://doi.org/10.22201/iie.18703062e.1997.70.1784.


A painter with two names, a life divided between the two principal cities of New Spain: the biography of José Rodríguez Carnero is split by a subtle buy effective barrier. This study makes clear the ties that bind both portions of this life and unites in a single individual the names of José Rodríguez de los Santos and José Rodríguez Carnero. It also suggests a direct relation between the guild organizations of Puebla and Mexico City.
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