Fábrica de imágenes arquitectónicas. El caso de México en 1968
Portada Anales Número 96
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urbanismo y paisajismo

How to Cite

Jácome Moreno, Cristóbal Andrés. 2012. “Fábrica De imágenes arquitectónicas. El Caso De México En 1968”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 32 (96):pp. 77-107. https://doi.org/10.22201/iie.18703062e.2010.96.2308.


In the overall program for the nineteenth Olympic Games held in Mexico in 1968, architecture was of fundamental importance. The buildings raised ex professo for the first Olympics to be celebrated in Latin America set their stamp on the development of modern Mexican architecture. Alongside this program, a fictional architecture was created with attention to the requirements of the images of the spectacle. Beside these constructions of overwhelming urban impact an extensive advertising campaign featuring sports was unfurled throughout Mexico City. This involved a complete overhaul as regards the design of images aimed at the public. As a referent for understanding the contemporary history of the country, 1968 represents the activation of different parameters to be observed in the design of architecture and graphic information. All this took place in a year of social convulsion, in which cultural contradictions were transferred onto the field of images.
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