Imágenes de la sexualidad y potencias de la naturaleza: el caso de las esculturas fálicas chalchihuiteñas de Molino, Durango
Portada Anales Número 82
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How to Cite

Aedo, Ángel. 2012. “Imágenes De La Sexualidad Y Potencias De La Naturaleza: El Caso De Las Esculturas fálicas chalchihuiteñas De Molino, Durango”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 25 (82):pp. 47-71.


Huichol and Hopi speeches of pleasure, fertility and death connect a heterogeneous set of elements that are projected within a well defined semantic field. In this paper we examine the possible utility of putting in analytical relation these conceptions with a set of enigmatic phallic sculptures of the Chalchihuite culture, that in a splendid game of images allude to the human body, the sexuality and the elements of nature. In order to carry out the examination of some of the phallic representations, we used three complementary planes of observation: geographic, historical and social. These lines of observation were the iconographic study of a phallic sculpture founded in Molino, Durango, that is represented carrying a vulva, as well as the testimonies of Huichols and Hopis. The relation with these indigenous societies was pertinent because they retake the images of sexuality evoked by the Molino’s phallic sculptures to adjudge them contemporary functions and means. Also, this comparative methodologic exercise leaned in recent discoveries on the extension of the Chalchihuite culture territory and its bridge function in the past for ideological and material interchange between the cultures that inhabited the Huichol mountain range in the south and the Pueblo region in the north.
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