Civitas Dei et novus orbis. La Jerusalén celeste en la pintura de Nueva España
Portada Anales Número 72
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Arte colonial

How to Cite

Rubial García, Antonio. 1998. “Civitas Dei Et Novus Orbis. La Jerusalén Celeste En La Pintura De Nueva España”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 20 (72):pp. 5-37.


The topic of celestial Jerusalem, spread through the medieval Europe but almost forgotten by the barroque art, ís an example ofan archaistic topic thatpervailed in New Spain during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuríes. Images as the apocaliptic Jerusalem found a renewes strength in New Spaín and allowed the criollos to build up a glorious dream, a mystical epopee, in wich theír fatherland would be the fai1thful reflex of that urban and teologicalparadigm.
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