Adolfo Salazar en España. Primeras incursiones en la crítica musical: la Revista Musical Hispano-americana (1914-1918)
Portada Anales Número 84
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Música y danza

How to Cite

Carredano, Consuelo. 2012. “Adolfo Salazar En España. Primeras Incursiones En La crítica Musical: La Revista Musical Hispano-Americana (1914-1918)”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 26 (84):pp. 119-14.


The critic, musicologist, historian and composer Adolfo Salazar (Madrid, 1890-Mexico City, 1958) is one of the greatest exponents of musicology at international level. From his arrival as a political exile in Mexico in 1939, he committed himself fully to the nation's cultural life, bringing to fruition a fertile labor begun in Spain, and which yielded in all several thousand articles and a little over thirty books. This article relates his initial activity in Spain as a music critic and the first battles fought in defense of modem music at the side of his friend and teacher
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