Origen de textil de la arquitectura
Portada Anales Número 85
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urbanismo y paisajismo

How to Cite

Toca, Antonio. 2012. “Origen De Textil De La Arquitectura”. Anales Del Instituto De Investigaciones Estéticas 26 (85):pp. 61-73. https://doi.org/10.22201/iie.18703062e.2004.85.2185.


The article profiles the continuing validity of two theories of architecture elaborated in the mid nineteenth century by Gottfried Semper and Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. Both offer materialist-constructivist concepts tat broke with the programmatic mold of the Vitruvian tradition. Sempers's theory is of particular interest for art history since it included and innovatory anthropological perspective on the theoretical understanding of architecture; Viollet-le-Duc's theory on the other hand reclaimed the rationality of construction, for example that of the Gothic cathedrals, which was clearly at loggerheads with the classical canons of the school of the École des Beaux-Arts. It was the theory of Semper which determined in particular depth the modern architecture of the twentieth century, for example that of Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier. It also contained stimuli fot the revision of present-day architecture in Mexico which, however, under the lasting influence of Luis Barragán, is fixed in the constructional tradition of massive walls and draws little from the analytical approach of Semper.
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